
selection of our individual and collective assignments

selected clients: The New York Times, Washington Post, TIME, Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Le Monde, The New York Times Magazine, GEO, Die ZEIT, Der SPIEGEL, Stern, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times

Requests to

The Eviction of Lutzerath 
Selection of several assignments of our members
for The New York Times, Washington Post, ZEIT online, Le Monde

Youth Hostel in Oświęcim/Auschwitz  - for STERN
by Aliona Kardash

Lena + Ivan - for Der SPIEGEL
by Fabian Ritter

The Eastern Front - for The New York Times Magazine
by Ingmar Nolting

Wild Horses of Dülmen - for Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin
by Arne Piepke

Collaboration cases in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine - for Die Zeit
by Fabian Ritter

Refugee ballet dancers from Ukraine - for Los Angeles Times
by Maximilian Mann

Associations in Germany - for GEO
by Arne Piepke

Cruise - for STERN
by Aliona Kardash

Floodings in Germany- for Die ZEIT
by Maximilian Mann, Aliona Kardash, Fabian Ritter
Kinakoni - for STERN 
by Maximilian Mann

Berlin Chaos - for The New York Times
by Ingmar Nolting

Qatar - Gold and Shadow - for STERN
by Aliona Kardash

Andreas S. - Victim of sexual abuse - for Der Spiegel
by Arne Piepke
Antisemitism and Jewish Life in Leipzig - for Der Spiegel
by Ingmar Nolting

Krefeld: integration at full speed
- for Liberation
by Fabian Ritter

The destruction of Sylt – for STERN
by Maximilian Mann